March 16 (Reuters) - The following table shows the results
of a regular monthly Reuters poll on Czech exchange rate
forecasts, based on...
...responses from 14 analyst groups collected
between March 15 and 16.
Date 1m-fcast 3m-fcast 6m-fcast 12m-fcast
MDN 28.13 28.00 27.75 27.25
AVG 28.11 28.01 27.89 27.46
MIN 27.80 27.40 27.10 26.50
MAX 28.40 28.50 28.70 28.70
MODE 28.00 28.40 27.40 27.00
MDN - The median response of all responses.
AVG - The average of all responses.
MIN - The lowest numerical forecast of all responses.
MAX - The highest numerical forecast of all responses.
MODE - The most frequent forecast of all responses.
1m-fcast - Forecast for crown vs euro for 1 month from now.
3m-fcast - Forecast for crown vs euro for 3 months from now.
6m-fcast - Forecast for crown vs euro for 6 months from now.
12m-fcast - Forecast for crown vs euro for 12 months from now.
NOTE. Institutions which took part in the poll are: 4cast,
Atlantik FT, Calyon, Ceska Sporitelna, Citibank, Danske Bank,
HVB Bank Czech Republic, ING Wholesale Banking, Komercni Banka,
Next Finance, Patria Finance, PPF Asset Management,
Raiffeisenbank and Zivnostenska Banka.
A full table with individual responses can be accessed
through Reuters page .
(Reporting by Mirka Krufova in Prague)