...range in the short term. The crown was at 33.750 per euro as of 1520 GMT, its weakest since May 1, compared with 33.565 late on Tuesday. "Several London-based players were buying euros," said Tatra Banka dealer Milan Cavojec. "The crown lacks a clear trend and it should now float in a wider range of 33.550-33.750 per euro." Investors ignored Wednesday's release of April inflation data, which matched February's record low of 2.0 percent, confirming expectations of another 25 basis-points rate cut in the third quarter. The central bank (NBS) cut its key rate by a total of 50 basis points to 4.25 percent in the previous two months. Slovak inflation is widely expected to fall below 2 percent by the year-end, allowing the country to adopt the euro in 2009 as planned. ----------------- MARKET SNAPSHOT AT 1520 GMT ----------------- Crown/euro 33.750 vs 33.565 on Tuesday (-0.55 pct) Crown/dollar at 24.820 vs 24.702 (-0.47) 5-yr govt bond yield 4.141/3.840 vs 4.200/3.051 pct 7-yr govt bond yield 4.444/4.244 vs 4.350/4.250 pct ---------------------------------------------------------------