PRAGUE, Sept 6 (Reuters) - The Czech current account showed
a 1.52 billion euro ($2.07 billion) deficit in the second
quarter after a revised...
...first quarter surplus of 523.5 million
euros, data released by the central bank showed on Thursday.
The rolling 12-month deficit widened a touch to 3.4 percent
of gross domestic product (GDP) from a 3.1 percent in the first
quarter of this year, according to central bank estimates.
Its preliminary data released in June put the deficit at 3.2
percent of GDP at the end of the first quarter.
(euros mln) Q2 2007 Q1-Q2 2007
Current Account -1,520.9 -997.4
Financial Account 569.5 546.0
Net Direct Investment 1,033.4 2,057.6
(Full balance of payments table...................[nPRA001481]
- The quarterly figures are calculated under IMF methodology and
merely update and detail more closely-watched monthly data
that have already been reported for the period,
albeit under slightly different methodology used by the European
Central Bank (ECB).
- The deficit was mainly affected by a 77.9 billion crown ($3.83
billion) gap in the balance of income, which reflects dividend
outflows and reinvested profits of foreign-owned companies
operating in the Czech Republic.
- For monthly balance of payments data, click on [ID:nL13322751]
- July foreign trade figures [ID:nL04578891]
- Report on last Czech rate decision [ID:nL30781459]
- For further details on second quarter balance of payments
numbers and past data, Reuters 3000 Xtra users can click on the
Czech National Bank's website:
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