...the region's economic outlook, according to the Reuters & OeKB CEE Business Climate index released on Thursday. CEE REGION III/2007 II/2007 I/2007 (Survey done in) (SEPT) (JULY) (JAN) ECONOMIC OUTLOOK 51 59 68 CURRENT BUSINESS SITUATION 61 62 70 BUSINESS EXPECTATIONS 49 59 63 BUSINESS CLIMATE 55 60 66 INVESTMENT STOCKS 35 37 40 BUSINESS CLIMATE BY COUNTRY III/2007 II/2007 I/2007 (Survey done in) (Sept) (July) (Jan) RUSSIA 63 78 76 SLOVAKIA 63 62 66 POLAND 61 60 65 SERBIA MONTENEGRO 61 56 56 ROMANIA 59 75 77 CZECH REPUBLIC 57 65 67 UKRAINE 56 58 69 CROATIA 54 54 66 BULGARIA 53 68 75 HUNGARY 37 40 57 NOTE. Distributed exclusively on Reuters, the Reuters & OeKB Central European Business Climate Index is based on quarterly surveys of 400 international companies with regional headquarters in Austria, which manage 1,400 affiliate companies in 19 countries in central and eastern Europe. Surveyed companies have three options to answer: positive, neutral and negative. The index shows the balance of positive answers minus negative answers. A value above zero signals more positive than negative answers, a value below zero more negative than positive answers. From next year, the survey will be published quarterly. The first survey, to be done in January, will be published on March 3, 2008. Keywords: ECONOMY EAST/CLIMATE