...central bank will hold its regular two-week repo tender to drain liquidity from the money market. C.BANK GOV ON EURO Central Bank Governor Ivan Sramko will address an economic conference on euro adoption, 0700 GMT. SLOVAKIA CANCELS NOV 12 STATE BOND AUCTION Slovakia has cancelled the auction of state bonds planned for Nov. 12 due to favourable trends in state finances, the finance ministry's Debt and Liquidity Management Agency (ARDAL) said on Monday. [ID:nL0591711] [RTRS-GVD-DBT-LEN-SK] PRESS DIGEST ------------ PENSION LAW DISPUTE Opposition parties criticise the Chairman of Parliament, Pavol Paska, for ordering his legislative department to edit out a part of a new law on the pension system. Deputies last week approved two opposing versions of a key part of the law, and Paska ordered to leave out the part proposed by the opposition. He has since cancelled the order and said it would send the original draft to president for assessment. Sme, page, 1 ENERGY PRICES The state regulator (URSO) is expected to rule on electricity, gas and heat prices for 2008 by the end of November. Sme, page 7 FINANCIAL LITERACY Slovaks have relatively low literacy of financial products and services, an opinion poll conducted by the private polling agency MVK showed. Pravda, page 9 TAIWAN INVESTMENTS The state investment agency, SARIO, said it was negotiating with eight Taiwan companies about possible investment projects in Slovakia. SARIO said LCD panel maker Chi Mei Optoelectronics Corp was among the potential investors. Pravda, page 17 For news on upcoming events in the United States and other Group of Seven countries, see . For a diary of forthcoming Slovak events, double click [SK/DIARY], and a calendar of east European economic indicators, see [CONV/DIARY]. News editor of the day: Peter Laca on +421 2 5341 8402; fax: +421 2 5341 8403 E-mail: editorial@reuters.sk Reuters Messaging: peter.laca.reuters.com@reuters.net For real-time index quotes, double click in brackets: Warsaw WIG20 Budapest BUX Prague PX50 Other related news: Slovak equities [SK-E] E.Europe equities [.CEE] Slovak money [SK-M] Czech debt [CZ-D] Slovak Indicators [SK-ECI] Emerging forex [EMRG/FRX] Eastern European [EEU] All emerging markets [EMRG] Hot stocks [HOT] Stock markets [STX] Market debt news [DBT] Forex news [FRX] TOP NEWS -- Emerging markets [TOP/EMRG] TOP NEWS -- Convergence watch [TOP/EAST]