...row inside the government coalition, traders said. The crown was at 32.865 per euro as of 0845 GMT, little changed from Tuesday's close of 32.855. The crown started to firm on Friday after data showed an unexpected foreign trade surplus for September, and the rise accelerated on Tuesday following the release of above-forecast gross domestic product growth for the third quarter. Analysts said investors did not appear to be worried about the latest fight between Prime Minister Robert Fico and Vladimir Meciar, the leader of the junior ruling coalition party HZDS. Fico told Meciar on Tuesday he risked a breakup of the ruling coalition if he continued backing a land administration official who signed a deal in which the state may have lost 10s of millions of dollars. "The markets are still processing positive data from the previous days, and are not paying attention to politics, because escalation of the current conflict into a serious political crisis is rather unlikely," said Lucia Sramkova, the senior economist at ING Bank in Bratislava. (Reporting by Peter Laca, editing by Mike Peacock) - For previous updates on Slovak currency moves click on [SKK/] --------------RELATED NEWS (double click to access)------------- Slovak Market Debt [SK-DBT] Slovak forex [SK-FRX] Hungary Market Report [FT/] Poland Market Report [PLN/] Czech Market Report [CZK/] Emerging Market Debt [EMRG/DBT] Emerging forex [EMRG/FRX] All Emerging Markets news [EMRG] CEE indicators [CONV/DIARY] All East Europe News [EEU] E.Europe equities [.CEE] TOP NEWS -- Emerging markets [TOP/EMRG] TOP NEWS -- Convergence watch [TOP/EAST] Slovak indicators [SK/ECI] Hungary indicators [HU/ECI] Czech indicators [CZ/ECI] Polish indicators [PL/ECI] ---------------------LIVE PRICES & DATA------------------------- Slovak crown Spot Against EUR Against USD National Bank Fixings... Dealing Codes...... SKK Cross Rates.... Contributor Index..... Slovak government benchmark bonds................. ---------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO FIND INFORMATION YOU NEED | | | Keywords: MARKETS SLOVAKIA CROWN/MORNING