...capacity. Five grid operators from four countries took part in the process: Germany's E.ON Netz and its sector peer Vattenfall Europe/(VE-T) , Czech national grid CEPS, Slovak company SEPS and Poland's PSE (PSE-O). Direction Capacity sold 08(MW) Price(EUR/MW) Cap 07 Price 07 PSE-O - CEPS 0 0 0 0 CEPS - PSE-O 0 0 70 2,223 VE-T - CEPS 400 2,283.47 385 675 CEPS - VE-T 593 18,036 747 37,669 PSE-O - SEPS 0 0 0 0 SEPS - PSE-O 0 0 15 2,223 VE-T - PSE-O 0 2,283.47 15 2,223 PSE-O - VE-T 0 18,036 0 37,669 CEPS - SEPS 799 24,420 875 8,935 SEPS - CEPS 700 948.67 890 788 CEPS - E.ON 593 18,446 700 49,241 E.ON - CEPS 400 1,757 395 452 NOTE: More details of the auction can be found at http://www.e-trace.biz. (Reporting by Jan Korselt)