...political partners, the centrist Movement for a Democratic Slovakia (HZDS). Following are possible outcomes of the coalition crisis. (For a story on the coalition crisis, click on [ID:nL2849663]) HZDS STAYS The HZDS stays in the coalition with Fico's leftist Smer and the far-right Slovak National Party (SNS). HZDS has little interest in early polls as support for the party has been falling. HZDS LEAVES, OR IS THROWN OUT If the HZDS leaves or is thrown out, the cabinet will lose parliamentary majority. Fico may seek to form a minority government together with the SNS, hoping that some HZDS deputies might still support the cabinet. The HZDS has a history of disunity. SNS chief Jan Slota specifically mentioned this scenario on Wednesday. If HZDS stayed united and teamed up with the opposition to win a no-confidence vote, Fico's government would fall. Talks would then start on forming a new administration. President Ivan Gasparovic would ask a leader who can guarantee majority support in parliament to form a new government and seek a confidence vote in the assembly. EARLY ELECTION If no government wins a confidence vote in six months, the president may call a new election. An early election can also be called if 90 out of the parliament's 150 deputies agree to it. Opinion polls show that in the case of a snap election, Smer could win 17 extra seats, while all other parties would lose, giving them little incentive to bring the election forward. PARLIAMENT SEATS Coalition: * Smer 50 seats * Slovak National Party (SNS) 19 * Movement for a Democratic Slovakia (HZDS) 16 Opposition: * Slovak Democratic and Christian Union (SDKU) 31 seats * Hungarian coalition (SMK) 20 * Christian-Democratic Movement (KDH) 14 EURO IMPLICATIONS Both the government and opposition support 2009 euro entry, diminishing the threat of a major policy shift. But analysts say political turbulence could weaken financial discipline in the run-up to euro adoption. The country, whose economy expanded by 9.4 percent in the third quarter, is expected to meet all nominal euro criteria when it is assessed next spring despite a spike in inflation, but EU officials have said sustainability of low inflation would also be considered. (Reporting by Peter Laca and Jan Lopatka; Editing by Caroline Drees) Keywords: SLOVAKIA COALITION/CRISIS