The most interesting 25% shoppers generate 70% of related profit. Do you know which shoppers are they? What attracts them, what pleases them, irritates them or repulse them? You are surely not the only one who is a little nervous reading this question… Therefore it is not surprising the shopper marketing is currently the fastest growing marketing discipline within suppliers´ as well as retailers´ side. Mass marketing regression, media fragmentation and especially quickly progressing segmentation and individualization of consumers speed this process even more up.
Shopper marketing alias art of how to transform a “visitor” of the store into a shopper is becoming a hot topic also on the Czech and Slovak market. Blue Events company will therefore push this discipline ahead and will follow-up with the successful events dealing with related topics, such as category management, customers loyalty or efficient promotions. The first opportunity to discuss the theory and especially the practice of shopper marketing will be the 14th meeting from the series of special retail conferences Retail in Detail/Shopper Marketing 2010, which will be held on 29th September 2010 in Prague hotel andel´s.
Put this unique opportunity for better understanding of secrets of successful shopper marketing into your diary today.
Use the special discounts for Early Birds valid until 31st August 2010.
For more information see the conference web at or contact us via