Oct 19 (Reuters) - Slovakia has presented the official state budget and state debt data to the European Union, the Statistics Office said on Thursday. The following table includes figures for 2004 and 2005, and estimated data for 2006, as calculated according to EU's Eurostat methodology. CENTRAL STATE BUDGET 2004 2005 2006 Balance (SKK bln) -40.641 -45.995 -54.422 Balance (pct of GDP) -3.0 -3.13 -3.35 STATE DEBT Debt (SKK bln) 564.106 507.428 537.883 Debt (pct of GDP) 41.62 34.49 33.12 NOTE: The 2006 state budget deficit estimate is based on new finance ministry forecast. The 2006 central state budget was approved with a deficit ceiling of 57.468 billion crowns. (Reporting by Martin Santa in Bratislava) ((RM: martin.santa.reuters.com@reuters.net; Email: martin.santa@reuters.com; +421-2-5341-8402)) Keywords: ECONOMY SLOVAKIA BUDGET