BRATISLAVA, Oct 27 (Reuters) - Here are news stories, press reports and events to watch which may affect Slovak financial markets on Friday. SEPTEMBER PPI DATA The Statistics Office will release producer prices data for September (0700 GMT). The market forecasts a monthly producer price rise of 0.1 percent, and an annual inflation rate of 8.4 percent. C.BANK TO RELEASE FOROEX RESERVES DATA The central bank will release its regular weekly forex reserves data (1200 GMT). EURO CAN MAKE SLOVAKIA REGIONAL LEADER - MINISTER Slovakia's plan to adopt the euro in 2009 will bring quick benefits and give the country a chance to become a leader in central Europe, Finance Minister Jan Pociatek said on Thursday. [ID:nL26613116] [RTRS-EUR-EEU] CROWN HITS NEW HIGHS AGAIN, SEEN STRONG The Slovak crown rose to new record highs on Thursday as investors continued to pour money into central European markets, and dealers said the unit was likely to stay strong in the near future. [ID:nL26639718] [RTRS-MMT-FRX] PRESS DIGEST ------------ NO MORE GAS PRICE HIKE FOR HOUSEHOLDS The dominant natural gas company SPP plans no increases in gas prices for households in 2007 due to decreasing oil costs and a favourable trend in crown exchange rate, the daily Sme reports. Sme, page 9 MILK PRICES SEEN UP 5-10 PCT Prices of milk and milk products are expected to rise by 5-10 percent in 2007 due to higher energy costs and investments in the past few years, the daily Sme quoted Slovakia's Milk Association as saying. Sme, page 1 HZDS EYES OPPOSITION SUPPORT HZDS, a junior government party, said it would seek support from opposition parties as it wants to alter the changes to the tax system, the daily Pravda reports. HZDS opposes a plan to cut the amount companies can grant to non-government organisations, the daily Pravda reports. Pravda, page 2 For an economic indicator diary for the euro zone, the ed States and other Group of Seven countries, see <G7TODAY>. For a diary of forthcoming Slovak events, double click [SK/DIARY], and for a calendar of east European economic indicators, see [CONV/DIARY]. News editor of the day: Peter Laca on +421 2 5341 8402; fax: +421 2 5341 8403 E-mail: Reuters Messaging: For real-time index quotes, double click in brackets: Warsaw WIG20 <.WIG20> Budapest BUX <.BUX> Prague PX50 <.PX50> Other related news: Slovak equities [SK-E] E.Europe equities [.CEE] Slovak money [SK-M] Czech debt [CZ-D] Slovak Indicators [SK-ECI] Emerging forex [EMRG/FRX] Eastern European [EEU] All emerging markets [EMRG] Hot stocks [HOT] Stock markets [STX] Market debt news [DBT] Forex news [FRX] TOP NEWS -- Emerging markets [TOP/EMRG] TOP NEWS -- Convergence watch [TOP/EAST] ((Bratislava Newsroom; Email:; +421-905-602-847))