New or amended items marked * ALL TIMES GMT (Note: Czech Republic GMT+1) See below for full macroeconomic forecasts ================================================================================ UPCOMING ECONOMIC INDICATORS <ECONCZ> DATE---GMT/LOCAL---INDICATOR--------------PERIOD----FORECAST----PRIOR 29/11 0800/0900 Real wage y/y Q3 n/f 3.9% 30/11 0900/1000 Money supply Oct n/f 9.1% 01/12 0830/0930 PMI index Nov n/f 54.6 01/12 n/a Budget balance Nov n/f -12.67bln 06/12 0800/0900 Foreign trade Oct n/a 7.46bln 07/12 0900/1000 FX reserves Nov n/f 24.25bln 07/12 0900/1000 CA balance euros Q3 n/f -1.76bln 08/12 0800/0900 GDP y/y Q3 n/a 6.2% 08/12 0800/0900 Inflation m/m Nov n/a -0.5% 08/12 0800/0900 Inflation y/y Nov n/a 1.3% 08/12 0800/0900 Unemployment Nov n/a 7.4% 08/12 0800/0900 Construction output Oct n/f 4.1% 12/12 0800/0900 Industrial output Oct n/a 5.8% 13/12 0900/1000 CA balance CZK Oct n/a -13.94bln 14/12 0800/0900 Producer prices m/m Nov n/a 0.0% 14/12 0800/0900 Producer prices y/y Nov n/a 1.9% 14/12 0800/0900 Import prices y/y Oct n/f 0.4% 14/12 0800/0900 Export prices y/y Oct n/f 1.1% 14/12 0900/1000 Monetary base Nov n/f 341.7bln 18/12 0800/0900 Retail sales y/y Oct n/a 5.2% ================================================================================ COMPANY RESULTS DATE---COMPANY----------RIC-----------SECTOR-------AVERAGE FCAST--FORECAST----- (CZK bln) ITEM no results on the schedule -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE. n/a = not yet available n/f = not forecast For real-time indicators, click on <ECONCZ>. For all Reuters short and medium-term forecasts of Czech indicators, click on <CZ/ECON01>. ================================================================================ CENTRAL BANK GOVERNING BOARD MEETINGS are usually held on Thursdays, but not necessarily every Thursday, with monetary policy specifically discussed on the last Thursday of the month in the board's "situation report" (see below for updated schedule). WEEKLY CABINET MEETINGS are usually held on Wednesdays. FULL LIST of ECONOMIC INDICATORS released in the coming weeks by the Czech Statistical Bureau (CSU), the central bank (CNB) and the finance ministry are published as listed in separate tables below. The nearest coming indicators are also listed among other diary items below. ================================================================================ MONDAY, November 27 PRAGUE - Civic Democrats (ODS) and Social Democrats (CSSD) leaders to meet. PRAGUE - Czech President Vaclav Klaus to meet Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek. TUESDAY, November 28 PRAGUE - Czech Statistical Bureau (CSU) to release November confidence indicators at 0800 GMT. TUESDAY, November 28 - WEDNESDAY, November 29 * RIGA, Latvia - President Vaclav Klaus and Foreign Minister Alexandr Vondra to attend NATO summit. TUESDAY, November 28 - FRIDAY, December 8 PRAGUE - The lower house of parliament to hold a session. WEDNESDAY, November 29 PRAGUE - 30-year government bond auction (new issue). PRAGUE - Czech Statistical Bureau (CSU) to release Q3 real wage at 0800 GMT. PRAGUE - Czech cabinet to meet in a regular weekly session. News conference seen at 1000 GMT. THURSDAY, November 30 PRAGUE - 52-week T-bill auction. PRAGUE - Nobel Laureates James Heckman, Joseph Stiglitz and Edward Prescott to speak at an economic seminar on "The New Equilibria in the World Economy." President Vaclav Klaus to give an opening speech at 0830 GMT. PRAGUE - Czech central bank (CNB) to release October money supply at 0900 GMT. PRAGUE - Czech central bank's governing board to meet on interest rates. An announcement is expected after 1100 GMT with a news conference to follow at around 1430 GMT. FRIDAY, December 1 PRAGUE - Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI) for November due out at 0830 GMT. WEDNESDAY, December 6 PRAGUE - 15-year government bond auction. THURSDAY, December 7 PRAGUE - 13-week T-bill auction. * PRAGUE - Czech central bank board to hold a regular weekly meeting. It is not scheduled to discuss monetary policy issues. FRIDAY, December 8 PRAGUE - Czech central bank (CNB) to release minutes from its November 30 governing board meeting at 0800 GMT. WEDNESDAY, December 13 PRAGUE - 3-year government bond auction. THURSDAY, December 14 PRAGUE - 39-week T-bill auction. FRIDAY, December 15 PRAGUE - Finance Ministry to detail Q3 government debt figures. THURSDAY, December 21 PRAGUE - 13-week T-bill auction. ===========================SHAREHOLDERS MEETINGS================================ COMPANY RIC DATE UNIPETROL <UNPEsp.PR> December 13 ORCO <ORCO.PA> <ORCOsp.PR> December 20 ================================================================================ The Statistical Bureau (CSU) has set the following dates for release of macroeconomic indicators (data released at 0700 GMT unless noted): NOVEMBER 28 Confidence indicators (Nov) 29 Real wage (Q3) DECEMBER 6 Foreign trade (Oct) 8 Gross domestic product (Q3) Inflation (Nov) Construction output (Oct) 12 Industrial output (Oct) 14 Producer prices (Nov) Foreign trade prices (Oct) 18 Retail sales (Oct) 29 Confidence indicators (Dec) ================================================================================ The central bank (CNB) set the following dates for releases of economic indicators (data released at 0800 GMT unless noted): NOVEMBER 30 Money supply (end-Oct) DECEMBER 7 Forex reserves (end-Nov) Balance of payments (Q3) 13 Balance of payments (end-Oct) 14 Monetary base (end-Nov) 29 Money supply (end-Nov) Foreign debt and investment balance (Q3) ================================================================================ Czech central bank governing board meetings MEETING TYPE NOVEMBER 30 Situation report DECEMBER 7 regular 14 regular 20 Situation report ================================================================================ The Labour and Social Affairs Ministry set the following dates for releasing monthly unemployment data (data released on the same day as CPI figures): DECEMBER 8 to end-Nov ================================================================================ The Finance Ministry set the following dates for the release of state budget balance: DECEMBER 1 to end-November ================================================================================ REGULAR STATE BONDS ISSUE CALENDAR ISSUE NAME AUCTION DATE ISSUE DATE MATURITY DATE MATURITY VOLUME (in years) (CZK bln) New issue 3.25%/09 Nov 22, 2006 Nov 27, 2006 Nov 27, 2009 3 8 New issue x.xx%/36 Nov 29, 2006 Dec 4, 2006 Dec 4, 2036 30 8 Reopening of existing issue <CZ15YT=RR> 3.75%/20 Dec 6, 2006 Dec 11, 2006 Sept 12, 2020 15 7 Reopening of existing issue 3.25%/09 Dec 13, 2006 Dec 18, 2006 Nov 27, 2009 3 7 ================================================================================ ((Editing by Mirka Krufova,; Reuters Messaging:; +420 224 190 477))