BRATISLAVA, Sept 22 (Reuters) - Here are news stories, press reports and events to watch which may affect Slovak financial markets on Friday. FINMIN TO MEET NGOS Finance Minister Jan Pociatek will meet non-government organisations to debate the ministry's proposal to abolish an option for companies to grant 2 percent of their taxes to NGOs (0800 GMT). HEALTHCARE MINISTER TO HOLD A NEWS CONFERENCE Healthcare Minister Ivan Valentovic will hold a news conference on the ministry's goals (1100 GMT). C.BANK TO RELEASE WEEKLY FOREX RESERVES DATA The central bank will release weekly forex reserves data (1200 GMT). C.BANK SEEN LEAVING RATES ON HOLD IN SEPT The Slovak central bank will probably keep interest rates on hold in September, waiting for an update on inflation risks before it moves to tighten monetary policy, analysts said on Thursday. [ID:nL21447291] [RTRS-MMT-INT-CEN] CROWN SLIPS AGAIN ON NEW REGIONAL JITTERS The Slovak crown <EURSKK=> weakened to the euro on Thursday as negative sentiment returned to central European markets, dealers said. [ID:nL21559263] [RTRS-MMT-FRX] PRESS DIGEST ------------ SNS ATTACKS SMK LEADER The far-right Slovak National Party (SNS), a junior ruling coalition member, accused the leader of the ethnic-Hungarian party SMK, Bela Bugar, of acting against Slovakia's interest, the daily Sme reports. SNS leader Jan Slota suggested Bugar could loose his parliamentary mandate for his acts against Slovakia. Sme, page 1 SMALLER HIKE IN ELECTRICITY PRICES The state regulator could approve a smaller hike in electricity prices than originally expected, the daily Pravda reports. The daily says electricity producer Slovenske Elektrarne agreed to cut the proposed higher price for distributors, which could lead to some 6 percent rise in final prices for households, the daily reports. Pravda, page 1 SONY SUPPLIERS Two unspecified supplier of Japan's Sony are interested in opening operations in the western town of Nitra where Sony plans to build a new factory for LCD televisions, the daily Sme reports. Sme, page 6 For an economic indicator diary for the euro zone, the ed States and other Group of Seven countries, see <G7TODAY>. For a diary of forthcoming Slovak events, double click [SK/DIARY], and for a calendar of east European economic indicators, see [CONV/DIARY]. News editor of the day: Peter Laca on +421 2 5341 8402; fax: +421 2 5341 8403 E-mail: Reuters Messaging: For real-time index quotes, double click in brackets: Warsaw WIG20 <.WIG20> Budapest BUX <.BUX> Prague PX50 <.PX50> Other related news: Slovak equities [SK-E] E.Europe equities [.CEE] Slovak money [SK-M] Czech debt [CZ-D] Slovak Indicators [SK-ECI] Emerging forex [EMRG/FRX] Eastern European [EEU] All emerging markets [EMRG] Hot stocks [HOT] Stock markets [STX] Market debt news [DBT] Forex news [FRX] TOP NEWS -- Emerging markets [TOP/EMRG] TOP NEWS -- Convergence watch [TOP/EAST] ((Bratislava Newsroom; Email:; +421-905-602-847)) ($1=29.60 Slovak Crown) ($1=29.60 Slovak Crown)