The Slovak crown rose 0.3 percent against the euro on Wednesday, but traders said room for further gains was limited due to the central bank's (NBS) fight against the unit's strength. The crown moved between 34.300 and 34.430 to the euro on Wednesday. It was quoted at 34.335 as of 1500 GMT, compared with Tuesday's close of 34.435. "Trading looks balanced after (the NBS') interventions," one trader with a foreign bank in Bratislava said. "The crown might firm, but it won't be that fast as it was at the year-end." The central bank stepped into the market last week to knock the surging crown from a record high of 34.050 per euro. The NBS also rejected part of bids in the regular weekly liquidity-draining tender on Tuesday. The crown, the best performing currency in central Europe over the past year, is now trading 10.7 percent above its central parity within the Exchange Rate Mechanism 2 (ERM-2), which Slovakia joined in November 2005. ----------------- MARKET SNAPSHOT AT 1500 GMT ----------------- Crown/euro 34.335 vs 34.435 on Tuesday (+0.29 pct) Crown/dollar 25.966 vs 25.938 (-0.11 pct) 5-yr govt bond yield unchanged at 4.374/4.173 8-yr govt bond yield 4.176/3.975 vs 4.251/4.101 ---------------------------------------------------------------