Here are news stories, press reports and events to watch which may affect Slovak financial markets on Thursday. CROWN UP, FURTHER FIRMING SEEN LIMITED The Slovak crown rose 0.3 percent against the euro on Wednesday, but traders said room for further gains was limited due to the central bank's (NBS) fight against the unit's strength. [ID:nL03425197] [RTRS-MMT-FRX-SK] PRESS DIGEST ------------ CZECH PRSIDENT TO VISIT SLOVAKIA Czech President Vaclav Klaus is expected to visit Slovakia on January 11. Sme, page 2 SLOVAK ECONOMIC OUTLOOK BRIGHT Analysts said they expected the Slovak economy to maintain its robust growth pace in 2007, driven mainly by the booming automotive industry. Sme, page 6 AVERAGE WAGE SEEN UP The real average wage in Slovak economy is expected to rise to 20,000 crowns in 2007, benefiting from strong economic growth analysts said. Pravda, page 1 ARCHBISHOP ANGERS JEWS, ROMAS Slovakia's Archbishop Jan Sokol has angered the country's Jew and Roma communities for praising the Slovak Nazi puppet state of 1939-1945. Hospodarske Noviny, page 1 For an economic indicator diary for the euro zone, the United States and other Group of Seven countries, see . For a diary of forthcoming Slovak events, double click [SK/DIARY], and a calendar of east European economic indicators, see [CONV/DIARY]. News editor of the day: Peter Laca on +421 2 5341 8402; fax: +421 2 5341 8403 E-mail: Reuters Messaging: For real-time index quotes, double click in brackets: Warsaw WIG20 Budapest BUX Prague PX50 Other related news: Slovak equities [SK-E] E.Europe equities [.CEE] Slovak money [SK-M] Czech debt [CZ-D] Slovak Indicators [SK-ECI] Emerging forex [EMRG/FRX] Eastern European [EEU] All emerging markets [EMRG] Hot stocks [HOT] Stock markets [STX] Market debt news [DBT] Forex news [FRX] TOP NEWS -- Emerging markets [TOP/EMRG] TOP NEWS -- Convergence watch [TOP/EAST] ((Bratislava Newsroom; Email:; +421-905-602-847))