The Slovak crown slid against the euro on Wednesday, and traders said sour sentiment on emerging markets could push it even weaker to test a support level of 34.650 per euro. The crown ended at 34.590 per euro as of 1630 GMT, down from 34.450 late on Tuesday. "Investors are closing some positions on prospects that dollar yields will not fall in the coming months," VUB bank dealer Laco Benedek said. The Slovak currency is now 1.6 percent weaker than its record high of 34.05 per euro seen at the end of 2006, partly due to central bank interventions aimed at slowing down the currency's record-breaking rise in the past weeks of last year. However, dealers said Slovakia's strong economic growth and prospects of euro adoption in 2009 should protect the crown from a significant fall even if neighbouring central European markets continued to slide. ----------------- MARKET SNAPSHOT AT 1630 GMT ----------------- Crown/euro 34.590 vs 34.450 on Tuesday (-0.40 pct) Crown/dollarb 26.720 vs 26.510 (-0.78 pct) 5-yr govt bond yield 4.225/4.026 7-yr govt bond yield 4.240/4.110 ---------------------------------------------------------------