(last updated on Feb 8 with Jan unemployment) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KEY INTEREST RATES 2-WEEK REPO DISCOUNT LOMBARD rate 2.50 pct 1.50 pct 3.50 pct last changed (date of decision) Sept 27, 2006 Sept 27, 2006 Sept 27,2006 former rate 2.25 pct 1.25 pct 3.25 pct =============================================================================== CZECH GDP (in pct) Q3/06 Q2/06 Q3/05 2005 Real change yr/yr 5.8 6.0 6.0 6.1 Final consumption 2.0 2.3 3.6 2.3 Household 4.0 4.1 3.2 2.8 Government -2.6 -1.8 4.9 1.0 Gross capital formation 13.6 16.2 0.5 1.6 fixed capital formation 7.2 6.7 1.7 1.3 Foreign trade balance n/a n/a n/a n/a exports of goods 12.8 13.0 11.7 11.6 export of services 2.3 -5.2 3.5 2.2 imports of goods 11.8 12.6 7.0 5.7 imports of services 2.4 -0.5 -2.4 -1 8 NOTE. In the third quarter, GDP totalled 813.1 billion crowns in nominal terms. All data from previous quarters are revised. CZECH BALANCE OF PAYMENTS 11/06 10/06 11/05 01-11/06 (CZK billions) I. CURRENT ACCOUNT -11.15 -26.22 -11.88 -134.87 Trade balance 6.43 4.35 2.45 50.51 Balance of services 2.47 1.51 0.85 14.48 Income balance -17.81 -30.40 -14.08 -190.87 Current transfers -2.25 -1.69 -1.09 -8.99 II. CAPITAL ACCOUNT 2.07 0.68 0.67 5.83 III. FINANCIAL ACCOUNT 19.88 26.76 16.84 121.64 Net Direct Investment 3.79 12.81 9.20 101.05 Czech abroad -6.92 -0.37 -3.08 -33.28 Into Czech Republic 10.71 13.18 12.27 134.33 Net Portfolio Investment 2.63 20.19 -2.97 -29.09 Assets -4.50 6.05 0.07 -58.30 Liabilities 7.13 14.14 -3.04 29.21 Other Investments 17.60 -6.64 17.99 56.88 Change in foreign exchange reserves (minus = growth) -1.63 0.48 -4.02 -3.28 IV. BALANCE OF OMISSIONS & EXCHANGE RATE ADJUSTMENTS -10.80 -1.22 -5.63 7.41 NOTE. All 2006 figures are subject to revision. The 2005 figures are revised. The CNB releases the monthly figures according to ECB methodology. CZECH FOREX RESERVES END-JAN 07 END-DEC 06 END-JAN 06 euro bln 24.220 23.882 24.553 $ bln 31.377 31.454 29.752 CZK bln 682.031 656.638 697.545 NOTE. The central bank said it did not conduct any spot foreign exchange market operations in December. It bought foreign currency worth 38.59 million euros in client operations in December. MONETARY BASE END-DEC 06 END-NOV 06 END-DEC 05 (in CZK bln) CNB monetary base 355.5 345.5 309.3 currency 321.5 314.1 287.7 bank reserves 34.0 31.4 21.5 mandatory reserves 36.7 36.1 33.4 CZECH M2 MONEY SUPPLY END-DEC 06 END-NOV 06 END-DEC 05 M1 change yr/yr 14.0 15.2 13.0 M2 change yr/yr 9.9 9.0 8.0 Loans to businesses and households yr/yr 20.5 21.3 20.0 M2-M1 (deposits) yr/yr 4.8 1.5 2.6 CONSUMER INFLATION DEC 06 NOV 06 DEC 05 pct change month/month 0.2 -0.1 -0.1 pct change year/year 1.7 1.5 2.2