The Slovak crown dipped against the euro on Monday following the regional trend as the market awaited Tuesday's release of the fourth quarter GDP flash estimate. The currency traded as low as 34.740 per euro compared to 34.580 late on Friday, but recovered later in the session to 34.670 to the euro by 1600 GMT. "The market is waiting for the GDP data release," said Tatra Banka dealer Boris Somorovsky. "If it comes in above expectations, the crown could firm towards 34.450-500 per euro." Analysts polled by Reuters forecast real gross domestic product (GDP) growth for the quarter at 8.1 percent compared with a record 9.8 percent rise seen in the third quarter. The central bank, which lifted the key two-week repo rate last year to 4.75 percent to curb inflation and safeguard the country's aim to adopt the euro in 2009, has said the hot economic growth is not creating inflation pressures. The Statistics Office will publish the headline GDP figure at 9 a.m. (0800 GMT) on Tuesday, but more detailed information on the economy will be released only on March 6. ------------------ MARKET SNAPSHOT AT 1600 GMT ----------------- Crown/euro 34.670 vs 34.580 on Friday (-0.25 pct) Crown/dollar 26.751 vs 26.599 (-0.57 pct) 5-yr govt bond yield 4.295/4.090 vs 4.300/3.901 pct 7-yr govt bond yield 4.350/150 vs 4.647/149 pct ---------------------------------------------------------------