(adds greens' comments, ISAAA reponse)
By Jeremy Smith
BRUSSELS, Feb 11 (Reuters) - Farmers in seven European Union nations planted genetically modified crops commercially last year, one fewer than in 2007 after France banned cultivation of GM maize, an industry-sponsored report said on Wednesday.
In terms of area, the land sown to biotech crops across the EU's 27-country territory reached 107,719 hectares in 2008, according to a report issued by the International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications (ISAAA).
The European Union's overall cereals area is around 60 million hectares, figures from farm and grain unions show.
So far, only one GM crop may be grown in the EU: an insect-resistant maize type, MON 810, developed by U.S. biotech company Monsanto <MON.N>.
Known as Bt maize because of its resistance to the European corn borer, it first gained EU approval in 1998.
For 2007, ISAAA said the EU's GM sowings for the seven nations concerned covered 88,673 hectares. But that does not include France, which also planted MON 810 maize in 2007 -- until Paris issued a decree to ban MON 810 planting for 2008. [
]ISAAA omitted to incorporate a figure for French GM maize plantings for 2007 in its report but, according to Monsanto's French website, more than 21,000 hectares of land were sown to MON 810 maize in France in that year.
Spain again led EU countries in GM crop plantings, with by far the largest amount of land sown to GM in 2008, ISAAA said.
"Spain is the lead biotech crop country in Europe, having successfully grown Bt maize for 11 years," it said, adding that Spanish farmers grew some 79,300 hectares of Bt maize in 2008.
In second place, albeit way behind, came the Czech Republic with 8,380 hectares and then Romania with 7,146 hectares, it said. Both countries saw significant percentage rises from 2007.
ISAAA said global GM crop sowings last year rose by 9.4 percent from 2007 to 125.0 million hectares. The United States has by far the largest GM area, trailed by Argentina and Brazil.
Green groups cast doubt on the reliability of the ISAAA figures.
"The biotech industry is inflating the figures in an attempt to convince the media and politicians that GM crops are a success," said Helen Holder, GMO campaign coordinator at Friends of the Earth Europe.
Environment group GM Freeze said ISAAA had "massaged the data on GM crops" to make the biotech industry look impressive.
But ISAAA defended its work, saying the figures were in fact conservative and based on a wide range of reliable sources.
"We are very confident in the ISAAA statistics," said Clive James, author of the ISAAA report, adding that before ISAAA reported a number for a country, multiple estimates were taken from public and private sources.
"The statistics published in ISAAA's report are based on a consolidated global database from a broad range of sources, including government agencies and other organisations in the public and private sectors," he told Reuters.
(in hectares)
2008 2007
Czech Republic 8,380 5,000
Germany 3,173 2,685
Poland 3,000 327
Portugal 4,851 4,263
Romania 7,146 350
Slovakia 1,900 900
Spain 79,269 75,148 (additional reporting by Carey Gillam in Kansas City) (Reporting by Jeremy Smith; editing by Keiron Henderson)