PRAGUE, May 5 (Reuters) - Here are news stories, press reports and events to watch which may affect Czech financial markets on Tuesday:
ALL TIMES GMT (Czech Republic: GMT + 2 hour) ======================== ECONOMIC DATA ========================
Real-time economic data releases....................<ECONCZ>
Previous stories on Czech data.............[
]Overview of economic data and forecasts..........<CZ/ECON15>
Updates on CEE currencies.............................[
] ============================EVENTS==============================PRAGUE - The lower house of parliament to continue a session. Constitutional law on shortening electoral term for the lower house and package of anti-crisis measures on the schedule.
Related news: [
]PRAGUE - On-line interview with Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek on Web site at 0700 GMT.
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PRAGUE - Czech Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek to meet his Slovak counterpart Robert Fico (1000 GMT).
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PRAGUE - European Union's conference "Eastern Partnership: Towards Civil Society Forum". The main objective of the conference will be to facilitate dialogue of civil society of EU Member States and Eastern Partnership countries on the importance, content and practical implementation of the initiative and formulate specific recommendations for its dynamic development.
Related news: [
]========================TOP NEWS===============================
BOND ISSUES: The Czech Republic unveiled plans to issue 90 billion crowns ($4.47 billion) in domestic bonds over the rest of the year, showing no signs of easing local borrowing despite a return to foreign currency debt markets in April.
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TUSSLE OVER FINANCE POST: Leading Czech politicians wrangled over a new finance minister on Monday as the budget gap ballooned, highlighting the need to find a candidate to keep spending in check ahead of early elections planned for October.
Story: [
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EASTERN RECESSION: All of the European Union's eastern members will fall into recession this year and some could lose control of swelling budget deficits, jarring their plans to adopt the euro, the bloc's executive said on Monday.
Story: [
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CEE FX UP: Central Europe's currencies gained on Monday as investors saw signs that the region's downturn is easing and a stock market rise fuelled hopes that the global economy is healing faster than expected.
Story: [
] Related news: [ ] ---------------------- MARKET SNAPSHOT ------------------------ Index/Crown Currency Latest Prev Pct change Pct changeclose on day in 2008 Czech Equities <
> 000.0 903.7 +0.00 n/a vs Euro <EURCZK=> 26.540 26.525 +0.00 -0.15 vs Dollar <CZK=> 19.841 19.763 -0.03 -8.45 U.S. Equities < > 08,427 08,212 +2.61 -36.47 Pvs close or current levels vs prior domestic close at 1500 ==========================PRESS DIGEST=========================LISBON: The Lisbon treaty will be approved by the Senate in a vote this week as a constitutional majority in the upper house needed for ratification of the EU reform treaty supports the document, the paper reports citing its own poll of Senators.
Hospodarske Noviny, page 18
GOVT DEBT: The Parliament should allow for the government to issue more bonds than earlier planned as increased spending could bloat the state budget gap above 150 billion crowns ($7.45 billion), Deputy Finance Minister Eduard Janota said.
Hospodarske Noviny, page 1
EU PRESIDENCY: It is not decided yet whether the new Prime Minister Jan Fischer or President Vaclav Klaus will chair the June European Council meeting, Fischer said.
Hospodarske Noviny, page 2
Reuters has not verified the media reports, nor does it vouch for their accuracy.
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