New or amended items marked *
ALL TIMES GMT (Note: Czech Republic GMT+2)
See below for full macroeconomic forecasts ================================================================================
UPCOMING ECONOMIC INDICATORS <ECONCZ> DATE---GMT/LOCAL---INDICATOR--------------PERIOD----FORECAST----PRIOR 15/09 0700/0900 Producer prices m/m Aug 0.0% -0.4% 15/09 0700/0900 Producer prices y/y Aug -5.3% -4.9% 15/09 0700/0900 Export prices y/y July n/f 1.5% 15/09 0700/0900 Import prices y/y July n/f -3.3% 29/09-02/10 Industrial estimate July n/a -14.5% 30/09 0800/1000 Foreign debt euros Q2 n/f 55.16bln 30/09 0800/1000 Money supply Aug n/f 5.3 01/10 0730/0930 PMI index Sept n/f 47.1 01/10 n/a Budget balance Sept n/f -89.58bln 07/10 0700/0900 Foreign trade Aug n/a 12.25bln 07/10 0800/1000 FX reserves Aug n/f 27.36bln 08/10 0700/0900 Unemployment Sept n/a 8.5% 09/10 0700/0900 Inflation m/m Sept n/a -0.2% 09/10 0700/0900 Inflation y/y Sept n/a 0.2% 12/10 0700/0900 Industrial output Aug n/a -18.2% 12/10 0700/0900 Construction output Aug n/f -4.4% 12/10 0800/1000 CA balance CZK Aug n/a -3.06bln 14/10 0700/0900 Retail sales y/y Aug n/a -4.9% ================================================================================
CZK bln no results on the schedule --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NOTE. n/a = not yet available
n/f = not forecast
For real-time indicators, click on <ECONCZ>.
For all Reuters short and medium-term forecasts of Czech indicators, click on <CZ/ECON01>. ================================================================================
MONDAY, September 14
BRNO - Czech Confederation of Industry to hold a news conference with its chief Jaroslav Mil, Prime Minister Jan Fischer and Finance Minister Eduard Janota at 1415 GMT.
TUESDAY, September 15
PRAGUE - Finance Ministry to detail Q2 government debt figures.
PRAGUE - August producer prices and July foreign trade prices data at 0700 GMT.
PRAGUE - The lower house of parliament to hold a session. Dissolution of the lower house on agenda (1200).
LUXEMBURG - Developer Orco Property Group <
> <ORCO.PA> to hold an extraordinary shareholders meeting (1200 GMT). * PRAGUE - Czech Industry and Trade Minister Vladimir Tosovsky to meet Russian Deputy Prime Minister Aleksander Zhukov. Cooperation in the field of economy, energy and industry to be discuss. Press foyer at 1340 GMT.
WEDNESDAY, September 16
BRNO - Conference "Nucleus against crisis" at 0800 GMT.
PRAGUE - The Czech cabinet to hold a session. Debate on savings package to cut the 2010 budget deficit on the schedule. News conference to follow.
PRAGUE - 3-year government bond auction <CZ1002505=>.
PRAGUE - Central bank governing board to hold a regular weekly meeting. It is not scheduled to discuss monetary policy issues.
THURSDAY, September 17
PRAGUE - 52-week T-bill auction.
THURSDAY, September 24
PRAGUE - Czech central bank governing board to meet on interest rates. An announcement is expected sometime after 1000 GMT with a news conference to follow at around 1330 GMT.
SATURDAY, September 26 - MONDAY, September 28
PRAGUE - Pope Benedict to visit the Czech Republic.
TUESDAY, September 29 - FRIDAY, October 2
PRAGUE - Preliminary August industrial output data.
WEDNESDAY, September 30
PRAGUE - Q2 foreign debt data at 0800 GMT.
PRAGUE - August money supply data at 0800 GMT.
THURSDAY, October 1
PRAGUE - Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI) for September due out at 0730 GMT.
PRAGUE - End-September budget balance data and a detailed calendar for the issuance of domestic state bonds in November of 2009.
PRAGUE - Czech central bank governing board to hold a regular weekly meeting. It is not scheduled to discuss monetary policy issues.
PRAGUE - 52-week T-bill auction.
FRIDAY, October 2
PRAGUE - Minutes from the September 24 governing board meeting at 0700 GMT.
WEDNESDAY, October 7
PRAGUE - August foreign trade data at 0700 GMT.
PRAGUE - September foreign exchange reserves data at 0800 GMT.
PRAGUE - 15-year government bond auction <CZ1002547=>.
THURSDAY, October 8
PRAGUE - September unemployment data at 0700 GMT.
PRAGUE - Q3 government debt duration data at 1200 GMT.
PRAGUE - Czech central bank governing board to hold a regular weekly meeting. It is not scheduled to discuss monetary policy issues.
FRIDAY, October 9
PRAGUE - September inflation data at 0700 GMT.
MONDAY, October 12
PRAGUE - August industrial and construction data at 0700 GMT.
PRAGUE - Harvest estimate due at 0700 GMT.
PRAGUE - August current account balance data at 0800 GMT.
WEDNESDAY, October 14 * PRAGUE - August retail sales data at 0700 GMT.
THURSDAY, October 15
PRAGUE - Czech central bank governing board to hold a regular weekly meeting. It is not scheduled to discuss monetary policy issues.
WEDNESDAY, October 21
PRAGUE - 3-year government bond auction <CZ10025051=>.
THURSDAY, October 22
PRAGUE - Czech central bank governing board to hold a regular weekly meeting. It is not scheduled to discuss monetary policy issues.
PRAGUE - 26-week T-bill auction.
THURSDAY, October 29
PRAGUE - Czech central bank governing board to hold a regular weekly meeting. It is not scheduled to discuss monetary policy issues.