New or amended items marked *
ALL TIMES GMT (Note: Czech Republic GMT+1)
See below for full macroeconomic forecasts ================================================================================
4.2% 13/03 0900/1000 CA balance CZK Jan 0.1bln
-20.63bln 16/03 0800/0900 Producer prices m/m Feb 0.1%
1.1% 16/03 0800/0900 Producer prices y/y Feb -0.8%
-0.8% 16/03 0800/0900 Export prices y/y Jan n/f
1.2% 16/03 0800/0900 Import prices y/y Jan n/f
-2.2% 23/03 0800/0900 Industrial output Jan -18.0% - 14.6% 23/03 0800/0900 Construction output Jan n/f
-2.6% 24/03 0800/0900 Retail sales y/y Jan -3.8%
-2.9% 31/03 0800/1000 Money supply Feb n/f
8.6 31/03 0800/1000 Foreign debt euros Q4 n/f
61.36bln 01/04 0730/0930 PMI index March n/f
32.6 01/04 n/a Budget balance March n/f
5.40bln 06/04 0700/0900 Foreign trade Feb n/a
3.46bln 07/04 0800/1000 FX reserves March n/f
28.17bln 09/04 0700/0900 Inflation m/m March n/a
0.1% 09/04 0700/0900 Inflation y/y March n/a
2.0% 09/04 0700/0900 Unemployment March n/a
7.4% ================================================================================
CZK bln 17/03 ORCO <
> Real estate n/a2008 results 19/03 PEGAS <
> Textil n/a2008 results 23/03 ECM <
> Real estate n/a2008 results 23/03 Zentiva <
> Pharma n/a2008 results 26/03 AAA <AAAsp.PR> Cars n/a
2008 results --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NOTE. n/a = not yet available
n/f = not forecast
For real-time indicators, click on <ECONCZ>.
For all Reuters short and medium-term forecasts of Czech indicators, click on <CZ/ECON01>. ================================================================================
TUESDAY, March 10 - THURSDAY, March 12 * PRAGUE - Conference "Climate Changes and Energy - Economic and Security Issues" with Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek opening (0805 GMT). Power firm CEZ <
> Sales Director Alan Svoboda (Tuesday, 1105 GMT) and Energy Regulatory Office (ERU) Chairman Josef Firt (Wednesday, 0830 GMT) also to present.
PRAGUE - Q4 gross domestic product at 0800 GMT. * PRAGUE - Czech statistical office (CSU) chairman Jan Fischer to hold a news conference on 2008 gross domestic product (0800 GMT). * PRAGUE - Czech Foreign Minister Karel Schwarzenberg to meet its Jordan counterpart Nasser S. Joudeh.
THURSDAY, March 12
PRAGUE - 39-week T-bill auction.
PRAGUE - Czech central bank governing board to hold a regular weekly meeting. It is not scheduled to discuss monetary policy issues. * PRAGUE - Czech and other European farmers to protest against different conditions.
THURSDAY, March 12 - FRIDAY, March 13
PRAGUE - Informal Meeting of Defence Ministers. Discussion on current issues on the individual agendas of the European Security and Defence Policy on the schedule. The meeting to be attended by European Union (EU) High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy Javier Solana, representatives of the European Commission and the Chief Executive of the European Defence Agency. News conference on Thursday at 1630 GMT and on Friday at 1200 GMT.
FRIDAY, March 13
PRAGUE - January current account balance data at 0900 GMT. * PRAGUE - EU - Pakistan Ministerial Meeting (Troika).
MONDAY, March 16
PRAGUE - Finance Ministry to detail Q4 government debt figures.
PRAGUE - February producer prices and January foreign trade prices data at 0800 GMT.
PRAGUE - The Czech cabinet to hold a regular session. News conference to follow.
TUESDAY, March 17
PRAGUE - Developer Orco Property Group <
> should release 2008 results.TUESDAY, March 17 - FRIDAY, March 27
PRAGUE - The lower house of parliament to hold a session.
PRAGUE - 10-year government bond auction.
PRAGUE - Czech central bank governing board to hold a regular weekly meeting. It is not scheduled to discuss monetary policy issues.
THURSDAY, March 19
PRAGUE - Artificial textile maker Pegas Nonwovens <
> should release 2008 results.
MONDAY, March 23
PRAGUE - January industrial and construction data at 0800 GMT.
PRAGUE - The Czech cabinet to hold a regular session. News conference to follow.
PRAGUE - Drug maker Zentiva <
> should release 2008 results.LUXEMBURG - ECM Real Estate Investments <
> should release 2008 results after markets hours.
TUESDAY, March 24
PRAGUE - January retail sales data at 0800 GMT.
PRAGUE - 3-year government bond auction <CZ1002158=>.
THURSDAY, March 26
PRAGUE - Czech central bank governing board to meet on interest rates. An announcement is expected sometime after 1100 GMT with a news conference to follow at around 1430 GMT.
PRAGUE - Used car dealer AAA Auto <
> should release 2008 results.SUNDAY, March 29
The Czech Republic switches to daylight saving time (GMT+2).
MONDAY, March 30
PRAGUE - The Czech cabinet to hold a regular session. News conference to follow.
TUESDAY, March 31
PRAGUE - February money supply and Q4 foreign debt data at 0800 GMT.
PRAGUE - Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI) for February due out at 0730 GMT.
PRAGUE - End-March budget balance data and a detailed calendar for the issuance of domestic state bonds in the fifth month of 2009.
PRAGUE - 15-year government bond auction <CZ1001945=>.
PRAGUE - Roundtable "Do We See Light at the End of the Tunnel?" with Czech central bank (CNB) Governor Zdenek Tuma opening speech (1130 GMT).
PRAGUE - 13-week T-bill auction.
FRIDAY, April 3
PRAGUE - Minutes from the March 26 governing board meeting at 0700 GMT.
PRAGUE - Telecoms operator Telefonica O2 Czech Republic <
>, a unit of Spain's Telefonica <TEF.MC> to hold a shareholders' meeting.SATURDAY, April 4
PRAGUE - U.S. President Barack Obama to meet Czech Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek for bilateral discussion.
SUNDAY, April 5
PRAGUE - EU-USA Summit with the highest representatives of all 27 EU Member States and U.S. President Barack Obama.
MONDAY, April 6 * PRAGUE - February foreign trade data at 0700 GMT.
TUESDAY, April 7
PRAGUE - March foreign exchange reserves data at 0800 GMT.
THURSDAY, April 9 * PRAGUE - March inflation data at 0700 GMT. * PRAGUE - March unemployment data at 0700 GMT.
FRIDAY, June 5 - SATURDAY, June 6
Czech Republic - European Parliament elections.
===========================SHAREHOLDERS MEETINGS================================ COMPANY RIC DATE Telefonica O2 CR <
> April 3 ================================================================================