This diary is updated every weekday and new listings or amendments are marked *. Reuters will not always produce a news item on each event listed. ================================================================================
UPCOMING ECONOMIC INDICATORS DATE-----GMT/LOCAL-----INDICATOR--------------PERIOD----FORECAST---------PRIOR 14/02 0800/0900 GDP flash estimate Q4/07 N/A +9.4 pct 28/02 0800/0900 producer prices Jan +0.3,+3.7 0.0,+2.8 pct 29/02 0800/0900 EU-norm inflation Jan +0.8,+2.8 +0.3,+2.5 pct 04/03 0800/0900 GDP Q4/07, FY/07 N/A +9.4,+8.8 pct 07/03 0800/0900 construction output Jan N/F -1.2 pct 07/03 0800/0900 industrial output Jan N/A +6.4 pct 10/03 0800/0900 retail sales Jan N/A +5.1 pct 10/03 0800/0900 real ind wages Jan N/F -0.6 pct 13/03 0800/0900 headline inflation Feb N/A +1.3,+3.8 pct 13/03 0800/0900 core inflation Feb N/A +1.1,+4.1 pct 13/03 0800/0900 foreing trade Jan N/F -9.5 bln SKK =================================================================================
BRATISLAVA - The Statistics Office to publish flash estimate of gross domestic product data for the fourth quarter and full year of 2007.
BRATISLAVA - Prime Minister Robert Fico and his government ministers to asnwer queries from MPs during a regular parliamentary question hour.
FRIDAY, Feb 15
BRATISLAVA - The central bank to publish its weekly foreign currency reserves data.
BRATISLAVA - The state investment agency SARIO to hold a conference on FDI in Slovakia.
BRATISLAVA - The government to hold a regular weekly meeting.
MONDAY, Feb 25 - THURSDAY, Feb 28
BRATISLAVA - An international conference on Slovakia's car industry.
BRATISLAVA - The central bank's policy-making board to hold its monthly monetary policy meeting.
FRIDAY, Feb 29
BRATISLAVA - The Statistics Office to publish January EU-norm inflation data.
TUESDAY, March 25
BRATISLAVA - The central bank's policy-making board to hold its monthly monetary policy meeting.
TUESDAY, April 29
BRATISLAVA - The central bank's policy-making board to hold its monthly monetary policy meeting.
BRATISLAVA - The central bank to publish updated quarterly medium-term forecast.
FRIDAY, March 7
BRATISLAVA - The Statistics Office to publish January construction output data.
BRATISLAVA - The Statistics Office to publish January industrial output data.
MONDAY, March 10
BRATISLAVA - The Statistics Office to publish January retail sales data.
BRATISLAVA - The Statistics Office to publish January industrial wage data.
BRATISLAVA - The Statistics Office to publish February headline inflation data.
BRATISLAVA - The Statistics Office to publish February core inflation data.
BRATISLAVA - The Statistics Office to publish January foreign trade data.
BRATISLAVA - The central bank to publish report on Slovakia's 2007 monetary development.
BRATISLAVA - The central bank's policy-making board to hold its monthly monetary policy meeting.
TUESDAY, June 24
BRATISLAVA - The central bank's policy-making board to hold its monthly monetary policy meeting.
The Slovak central bank's (NBS) monetary policy making Bank Board usually holds a policy meeting on the last Tuesday of every month. The board may change the date of its policy meetings. ===============================================================================
The Slovak Labour Office releases monthly unemployment figures around the 15th of each month.
=============================================================================== TREASURY BONDS: The following is a schedule of treasury bond auctions for 2006: AUCTION DATE MATURITY COUPON MATURITY DATE Feb 25 to be announced March 10 6-year 4.9 pct Feb 11, 2014 March 31 3-year zero-coupon March 31, 2011 April 14 11-year 5.3 pct May 12, 2019 April 28 to be announced May 12 3-year zero-coupon March 31, 2011 May 26 18-year 4.5 pct May 10, 2026 June 9 9-year 4.2 pct April 4, 2017 June 23 3-year zero-coupon March 31, 2011 July 7 to be announced Aug 25 9-year 4.2 pct April 4, 2017 Sept 8 10-year float-coupon Sept 8, 2018 Sept 22 18-year 4.5 pct May 10, 2026 Oct 6 3-year zero-coupon March 31, 2011 Oct 20 to be announced Nov 3 10-year float-coupon Sept 8, 2018 Nov 14 18-year 4.5 pct May 10, 2026 Dec 1 3-year zero-coupon March 31, 2011 Dec 15 9-year 4.2 pct April 4, 2017 =========================================================================== ===========================================================================